Guidelines for Authors

Submissions in the fields of Fine Arts, Culture and Humanities may include critical essays, scholarly articles, historical studies, brief biographies / interviews with eminent Artists and social thinkers and book reviews.

Neither the Editors nor the Editorial Advisory Board are responsible for author's expressed opinions, views, and the contents of their manuscripts. The originality and correctness of manuscripts is the sole responsibility of the individual authors. The publishers will not be liable for any losses, damages, and other liabilities whatsoever arising from the content of the publication.

Scholars who intend to submit their Manuscripts are requested to go through the “Guidelines for Authors” very carefully. Submissions shall not be accepted unless author(s) submit a duly signed letter indicating that they shall abide by all the guidelines detailed on the website.

  • Copyright:
    The author(s) give Atishay Kalit (an open access Journal) exclusive, all-language-use copyright to publish, archive, and distribute the article (including images, maps and diagrams) online (through website) and in hard copy (printed in Atishay Kalit).
  • Submission:
    While submitting any article for publication, the author(s) undertake that the same has not been published or being considered for publication elsewhere.
  • Copyright Permission from others:
    Author(s) who are using / including the text, quotations, diagrams, tables, maps and images that belong to other Copyright Holders, in their articles, essays or illustrations that they submit for publication in the journal are responsible for getting the permission from Copyright Holders.
  • Copyright Violation:
    In case of copyright violation or/and plagiarism the author(s) will remain solely responsible and the publisher of the Atishay Kalit Journal will not be held responsible and made a party to such cases.
  • No Payment:
    The publisher does not pay any royalty to authors or artists for their article or works.
  • Sharing:
    Anybody can share any material for non-commercial purpose.
  • Archiving:
    Author(s) and others can archive contents of the journal for only for academic and non-commercial purposes.
  • Article Rejection:
    Atishay Kalit can reject any content (article, essay, etc) based on the peer-review.
  • Atishay Kalit reserves the right to change/modify these Guidelines at any time.

Article Submission

  • All manuscripts must be submitted in electronic format by email to [email protected] or [email protected] or by post using a pen drive.
  • The Language should be English or Hindi.
  • The Manuscript should be submitted as an attachment.
  • A Covering Letter (incorporating the Abstract, Consent for uploading their publication on the website and indexation in various academic databases, Declaration that the manuscript is original work of the author(s) and has not be published elsewhere, Undertaking to abide by the “Guidelines for Authors”, Scholar's Bionote, Address, email, mobile) should be signed and scanned and sent as the second attachment or as a file in pen drive.


Text Formatting

  • The submitted manuscript must be in Microsoft Word or RTF or Open Office format.
  • English Content must be typed in: Times New Roman Font; 12 pixel size; 1½ lines gap.
  • Hindi Content must be typed in: Kruti Dev 010 Font; 14 pixel size; 1½ lines gap.
  • Content must be in Single Column.


Guidelines for the Content

  • The submitted file may contain:
    1. Text matter:
      Abstract: 100 to 150 words.
      Article: 2000 to 3500 words including References.
      Book Review: 1000 to 2000 words
    2. Tables, Diagrams, Drawings, Maps, Images
  • Suitable acknowledgment of the work/support of others must be given.
  • Authors should cite publications that have influenced the work in form of references.
  • All sources of financial support for the study / research should be disclosed at the end.
  • All Picture(s)/Image(s)/Diagram(s)/Sketche(s)/Map(s) supporting the article, must be included within and not to be submitted separately. Sources of the Picture(s)/ Image(s) / Diagram(s) / Map(s) must be acknowledged, necessary permission of its owner taken and included in the reference section.